Neville Goddard and The Secret Of Imagining Questions and Answers
On this page of the website I will be answering any questions that you have in relation to any of Neville Goddard's teachings, from the Secret Of Imagining right through to the Promise.
- Perhaps you would like some clarification on a particular concept that Neville Discusses?
- Perhaps you have questions about "How To Imagine" or How to apply your Imagination to a particular desire that you have?
- Perhaps you have encountered some difficulties in using your imagination and would like some advice?
The idea is that instead of sending an email to me with your question which is what people have done in the past...
...I will now be answering the questions on this Neville Goddard website so that not only you (the person with the question) and I benefit from the interaction.
My goal is that the questions and answers will reach a far wider audience and funnily enough it is almost always that people have similar questions to the one that you ask.
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- Please make sure that you ask ONE specific question per comment.
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- If you have more than one question ask each one in a separate comment.
If you have a "Personal Question" you would like answered that is not appropriate to share on this page or if you would like a private coaching session please use the Neville Goddard contact form
I do reply to all comments :-)
Thank you for visiting this page and I look forward to answering your wonderful questions!
Have imagined this thing for almost a year but nothing happened. Am I missing something?
Hi Koffi,
Thanks for your question.
If I may be direct in my answer I think it may be of use to you.
Your question is so empty of content that it’s impossible for me to advise you properly as regards to your actual imagination practice. This would suggest to me that perhaps your imaginary experiences you are creating are probably rushed or not well planned. I may be wrong about that and perhaps you were simply too busy to write more when you asked your question. (I also edited the title of your question as one word “Why?” is really vague)
For me to be able to help you you would need to me more specific and give details. Here are a few ideas to think about:
Do you have a clear and well defined objective that you wish to manifest?
Does the idea of attaining your objective make your heart sing with joy and gratitude?
Please describe your imaginary experience process. What are you doing?
What specifically do you do?
How often do you do it?
Do you approach imagining as something fun to learn?
What is your mood when you begin your imagining session?
How deep do you go?
What is your mood when you finish your imagining session?
What is your quality of experience when imagining (see, feel, hear, taste, smell)?
Can you imagine during any other time of the day that you have achieved your objective?
Are you doing any clearing processes (revision as Neville Goddard calls it)
Do you have any intuitions of what you might be doing wrong?
Have you had any successes at all imagining/Visualizing?
Are you regularly reading and listening to Neville Goddard Books and Neville Goddard Audio Lectures?
If you would like to write a description for me in detail of what you are doing then I would be happy to offer my suggestions.
Mastering Neville’s teachings takes practice and dedication and attention to detail.
If you have been determined enough to imagine for one full year then you are clearly determined and the next step is to identify what has been blocking you and clear it. Imagining works and when you get it working for you you’ll be dancing around like Fred Astaire.
Blessings peace and love!
Carl :-)
I sent a private email yesterday, but I want to follow up to this thread as well because I have the same problem as Koffi. 6 months, no results.
I do the following:
– Walk in the feeling of my wish fulfilled daily, bring up the feeling at various times of day, try to feel as though everyone sees me as I see myself in my wish
– Remain calm/resolute when an event occurs that conflicts with or denies evidence of my wish. I no longer feel jealous or anxious about the general subject related to my wish
– Act as if (within reason), not make attempts to manipulate or make something happen, passive let it come to me
– I have revised events in my past so successfully that they feel like real memories, I have nostalgia thinking about them, and feel no need to continue to reimagine them at all
The only thing I have trouble with is imagining before bed. I’m usually so tired it’s hard to focus, so I just try my best and then if I fall asleep I pick it up in the morning before getting out of bed, which is easier.
I daily journal my thoughts, ideas, anything I notice that’s different. Admittedly I’m usually discouraged by the end of a week or two, but I pep talk myself and quickly pick it back up, often stronger/more vividly than before.
6 months. Occasionally something little will happen that has me hopeful and my confidence on high, but it never comes through, and I wind up back in the same position.
What could be the problem?
Mrs E!
Thanks for writing in!
Im going to ponder on your question and come back and answer
Carl :-)
I have been studying and reading about manifesting for the last 6 years. I have also read just about every book out there on the subject starting with Abraham-Hicks, Murphy, Hill, Goddard, Vitale, Dyer. You name it, I’ve read it and tried it. I’ve also read books on meditation, hypnosis by Silva, and others and practiced it. To date, I cannot say I have manifested anything. If this process is so easy and the right of all man, why do very few every manifest anything?? The more time goes on, the more I wonder if this isn’t just a big gimmick. One more thing. If all these authors have mastered manifesting, then why do they need to charge money to teach the word? Neville Goddard refused money.
Hi Nancy
Awesome question! You have perfect timing!
I have been just where you are now and really understand how you are feeling.
You are so close and now is the time to do the inner work that heals all of what you are feeling because that is what is blocking your manifesting. Same for everyone in a similar situation. Not possible to go higher in your consciousness until you clear the energy patterns that hold you down at that level.
Go to this page and watch the intro video and see if it resonates with you. (I’m working on new vids and intro but I think the one that is there will connect with you)
I’ve been developing this training over the last 15 months. It works on both aspects of the manifesting game. Imagination towards your Higher Self inspired vision and clearing and de-programming all of the patterns, behaviors, beliefs, habits etc that we all accumulate in our life’s. Consciousness IS the only reality and there is no one to change but self.
I’ve sent you an email as well so you have my email address if you have questions. Great timing to get into this stage of your journey!
Wishing you a blessed day!
Carl :-)
Hi Nancy,
Just checking you received my email regarding your question.
In brief, the emotions you are experiencing are from Ego. Part of the journey (the biggest part for most people and the part the ego usually doent want to do) is revision and clearing.
I developed a training for this from my own experience and success. Its called the Turning Point Training and the first module is The Abundance Life Vision. It’s here:
This will help you as it has helped me and others.
Carl Andrew
I have recently come across Neville Goddard and I am most fascinated and excited all of his knowledge is online and well documented. What I am confused about his how to follow Neville. Where do I begin? There is so much out there. I see websites that have his lectures but their all in alphabetical order. Is that the range he did his work in? I would like to listen or read his work from beginning to end.
Hi Nikki,
My sincere apologies in not replying to your question earlier. It slipped through the net (so to speak)
I just answered another question which was very much in the same direction as yours in regards to where to start and have put that below in italics.
In regards to listening to his lectures you can access all of Neville’s Audio Lectures here
There are 136 full audio lectures and they are organized in a different way to other sites. Trust your intuition and pick a lecture group and go through the lectures.
You can also download all of the lectures and the audio books in the Neville Incredible Collection here
If you have questions feel free to ask and I promise to get back to you sooner next time :-)
Carl :-)
Hi Neville
My question my husband and I recently separated due to him joining a cult on YouTube the 13 sun my instincts towards this being was one of stay far from him…
He is so engrossed in this doctrine even sending him $13 per question and praying to the number 13 he wanted the whole family involved he is a man who has always wanted to know the hows rather than believe in the simplicity of life and the power of prayer.
My question I guess is should I pray for him I am on an emotional roller coaster at the moment and pray for to get back together if the Almighty wills it or leave him to it.
I have been fortunate to have the Divine Source in my life I am at the moment imaging wealth after watching your video and I have experienced many wonderful things with knowing that all is being taken care of.
My baby is due next week and I am trying to manifest a car a toyota yaris to be exact I am now seeing them regularly so know it is a matter of time however I want to ensure that I am following the right way in manifesting.
I see manifesting for anything as just 1 simple process for everything hence my two unrelated questions is this the right attitude to adopt?
Gratefully yours
HI Michelle,
This is Carl here (I notice you addressed your question to Neville). I run this website to help make the teachings of Neville Goddard available to a wider and wider audience. Neville actually passed on in 1972.
I hope that you are in-joying the materials on the site and looks like you are getting right into the imagining and manifesting which is excellent.
Congratulations by the way for stepping up and asking your question and congratulations in advance with your new baby!
My feeling is that you are on the right track (as you have already manifested many wonderful things) and your inner guidance has led you to new information that will help you deepen your experience and learning.
I think what I would suggest is to read (Study and Practice) a couple of Neville’s books.
Two that are easy reads are The Law and The Promise and Out of This World.
Out of this World is a fairly short book and in it he out lines a couple of different manifesting processes that are easy to follow. He also starts by introducing the concept of what he calls the “Fourth Dimensionally Larger Self” which I refer to as your Higher Self, the higher levels of your own consciousness and the source of your intuition and guidance in life.
In The Law and The Promise he shares many true life stories from his students who manifested a variety of different desires in a variety of different ways.
I think these two books would make a good starting place and will offer you much guidance in your own manifesting and in building your practice of Imagining (which is also referred to as visualization)
If you are interested to find out more about your Higher Self and accessing your inner guidance let me know. It is something that has been of great benefit to me and many students.
In regards to your husband, praying is excellent and Neville would suggest to imagine the best for him on his life journey. Kind thoughts and prayers always have a positive benefit for the person we are thinking of. In regards to your relationship with your husband I think you already have the answer from what you wrote. Trust your inner guidance as it has your highest interests at heart.
I wish you wonderful imaginings and wonderful experiences and hope that you will gain great inspiration as you study Neville’s materials. Feel free to ask again if you have any specific questions as you go through the books
Carl :-)
Hello, I am an Taiwanese student who is trying to find job in Japan. It is very diccult for people who try to find a job in foreign country. Recently, I had followed the manifestation guideline of Neville Goddard. But my problem is that I want to receive the acceptance from more than one company. Can i imagine that i had received the acceptance from more than one company? is that will distract the manifestation power of my Imagination?
Hi Lilly,
Thanks for your question.
I think your intuition is right as to distraction.
Obtaining a job in Japan is one objective or goal
Being offered more than one job in Japan and selecting one that is right is a different goal or objective.
(If the need to be accepted is an ego issue where being accepted by more than one company feels good then you would need to revise that as you can feel good anyway)
Perhaps what you are looking for is “The right” job in Japan in which case you might write out your requirements for the “right job” so that you are very clear in your mind and then imagine you have the right job.
Please let me know when you have your job!
Carl :-)
Dear Carl:
Please forgive my poor english. You are right. What I really want is to find the Right job in Japan. Actually the reason why i desire to obtain more than one offer is because i am a little unconfident of myself that i can get the job that i dream of. Neville had said that, ”have faith in God means having faith in myself. I should have more faith in myself and my Imagination Father.
Actually, i already had found my dream job. I had attent its information session and i really admired the president’s idea that the meaning of working is for having fun self-growth and self-realization, not merely for making money. I was really moved by his speech and determine to work in this company. And the company is so close to station. But the problem is that for me. good company, good president= high competition. Again, i should be aware of my faith issue. How can i strengthen my faith in myself? i had be refused by companies before so its very hard for me to have 100% confidence.
should i keep imagine one certain company that i desire for or should i imagine the right job that meets all my requirements?
thanks for your sincere and warm care. i really appreciate it.
HI Lilly,
Your English is very good!
If you have found your dream job then that must be what you focus on.
From what you say about the president of the company he sounds like a student of life and is seeking you as much as you are seeking him. It must be a rare opportunity for him to have a student of the great mystic Neville Goddard apply to work in his organization.
Perhaps you might imagine in your mind talking directly to him and sharing with him about your passion for self realization and imagination. I am sure he is familiar with using his imagination. Perhaps you could imagine him personally welcoming you to the company
“There is no competition on the creative plane” – I think it was Wallace Wattles quoted that. So, you have no competition.
Write a list of all the reasons why the company IS employing you.
Never settle for less than you want. Go for exactly what you want. I don’t think you would have had the opportunity to attend the information session for no reason :-)
I have confidence in your ability to imagine your desire.
I imagine you writing to me and telling me your wonderful news
Carl :-)
Hi Lily
One other note. Let me know after you have written your list of why your perfect company IS employing you and you have created an imaginary experience around that, one which is right for you – comes from your mind, and imagined several times, if you still have any remaining lack of confidence and we can address it.
Carl :-)
I had left the maessage yesterday, but my comments just dissapeared. Sorry for the late reply
I am now working on the practice of getting into the state akin to sleep. I hope I can quickly master my brain to get into the alpha state. And after wataching the video you had posted, i will also work on the revision practice. My dream is to become an esthetician, so i went to the esthetician workplace of my dream company. I really like the working enviroment and the atmosphere among the staff workers. My desire to work for my dream company increases greatly.
I still have some questions. I have habits of drinking lots of coffee or energy drink becuase i easily feel tired. Does caffeine will prevent me from getting into the state of alpha? Does exercise will help me more getting into the Alpha state?
And yesterday, i imagined that the Japanese president is congratulating me to his company. i imagined he is speaking Japanese to me. Does language matter? what if i imagine the presient is speaking to me in my native language?
Can i imagine that i am already an esthetician who is working at the workplace where i visited this morning?
Sorry for asking so many question. But i am so grateful that there is someone far in the west who is supporting me. I really appreciate your efforts and works. You really give lots of courage and confidence. i will keep persisting the practice of state akin to sleep, feel it real and revision. my list will post on the wall later.
Blessings. Lily
1. I strive my best for achieving the goal i set
2. I want to bring happiness to my clients
3. i keep pursuing self-growth and self-realization
4. I like to smile at people and bring joy to the people surrounded me. I always build harmonious relationship with other people.
5. I am not afraid of challenges. I am a hard learner. I am modest to ask and learn from other people.
I learn things fast and I have good memory.
6. Although my japanese cannot be as good as native speaker, but i like to talk to people and listen to their shared stories. I think the sincerity is the most important key for good communication.
7. I can adapt to a new enviroment quicky.
8. I am a open-minded person who is willing to giving up old fault perspective and accept new right ideas and truth.
9. I am always be grateful. Every day every moment, my life is supported by the service and contribution of countless people from all over the world. I am really grateful of that so i want to work and contribute to the society for showing my gratitude. I appreciate the view of work of the president of my dream company, so i want to make contribution to the growth and prosperity of the company.
10. I think my greatest strengh lies in the fact that from now on, i will keep following the teachings of Neville and bring prosperity, sucess and happiness to my life and my company.
If my list needs to be revised or added, dont hesitate to give me suggestion.
blessings Lily
Hey Lily!
How is your quest going?
Send me an email via the contact form.
Carl :-)
Dear Carl:
Thanks for your suggestion and blessing. I am sorry for my late reply. Actually i had left message on your Facebook Neville Goddard community. thanks for sharing your sucessful experience through alpha state of imagination.
I am now working on the practice of the state akin to sleep. the state akin to sleep means your brain is in the alpha state right? i know that our brain will in the alpha state before we fell asleep and after waking up. but the teaching said its better to sit on the chair than lying on the bed so that we will not fall asleep before doing the session. so i am now working on the practice on the chair recently.
And becuse of my low blood pressure, i often feel sleepy or lack of sleep. And its difficult for me to wake up, so i drink a lot coffee a day. Does cafeine will have bad influence on my relax and focus session? and when i imagined the Japanese presient is congratulating me to his company, i imagined he is speaking with me in Japanese. Does language matter? what if i imagine he is speaking in Chinese? i am sorry to ask so many questions.
Here is the list why i think my dream company is employing me:
I am a person who is be grateful every day. my view of work is to make people happier and contribute to the company and society because every day every moment, my life is supported by the service and contribution of countless people.
i believe in law of attraction. I believe that my mindset will change the outside of my world. so i want to dovote myself for creating my personal self-realization and the prosperity of my company at the same time.
I am a person who will strive my best for achieving my goal. i am not afriad of challenges. i am a person who keep pursuing self-growth.
I am an open-minded person, i am willing to giving up my old fault concepts and accepting the new right qaconepts and the truth.
i am a person who can easily adapt new environment.
i am a very kind and considerate person. i can easily build harmonious relationship with my friends, my colleagues.
my Japanese is not bad but of course i cannot speak as fluent as Japanese native speakers. this is my biggest weakness.
i think my biggest strengh lies in the fact that i will keep learning the teaching of Neville and having faith in my Imagination.
do you think my list is ok?
if there is something needs to be added or revised, please dont hesitate to tell me. thanks for your help. sincerely Lily
Hi Lily,
This is good that you are getting into the detail of your desired Self Image and assumption of your new self.
Let me know of your wonderful progress
Carl Andrew
Dear Carl
Sorry for the late reply. I had left the message before but my comments just disappeared. I guessed I put the wrong email address. But that’s ok.
I am now working on the practice of getting into the state akin to sleep. I can’t wait for more practice:). I think my worry and anxiety had relieved a lot. Thanks for Neville’s teaching. I will persist it. I hope I can quickly master to get into the alpha state.
It still remains some questions in me. I have a low blood pressure, so I often feel sleepy or feel lacking of sleep. And it’s hard for me to wake up in the morning so I drink a lot coffee or energy drink. Does caffeine will have bad influence on my getting into alpha state practice?
Yesterday, I imagined the Japanese president is congratulating me to his company. I imagined him speaking Japanese to me. But what will happen if I imagine him speaking my native language? Does language matter? Sorry for asking you so many questions. I am grateful that there is someone in far America who is supporting me. I feel more courageous and confident to myself.
Blessings. You are doing a really great things that help the people from all over the world. Keep doing pls.
P.s. I will put my list on the wall later:)
HI Lily, let me know of your wonderful progress,
Carl Andrew
I’ve been following these teachings for a couple of days now, working with my imagination every day, and I’ve noticed something that happens every time. During the first few of minutes of meditating on what I want I feel very warm, I feel “energy” building in my body, and I feel drowsy, but then all of sudden I go stone cold. All of the warmth goes from my body, I shiver and the hairs on my arms stand on end. Do you know why this is happening?
Hi there,
Just a quick reply. (Can you include you name in future comments please)
Ok quick answer is that you might be getting some interference and if that is the case you need to start taking care of yourself and energy. It happens when you get pulled down to lower levels of consciousness either by actions you are taking yourself or possibly picking up negative energies from a location/ work etc.
Without knowing more about your situation I wouldn’t be able to pin point exactly why you are having that experience.
You can deal with it. I had to deal with interference myself on many occasions. Love everything is the ultimate solution as all is GOD :-)
If you want to get yourself checked out energetically and see whats going on for you then go to They are VERY good at what they do.
From an imagining and consciousness perspective the more you clear old patterns, behaviors, emotions, beliefs etc the higher your consciousness goes. As your consciousness rises and you become more awake you experience less and less interference.
Ok thats just a few thoughts
It’s nothing to worry about, just take some action, get yourself checked out and get into your heros journey.
I have a training which can guide you to connect with your Higher Self and your Higher Self will guide you the rest of the way. Imagining Formula
Carl :-)
I want to get married with my boyfriend.his parents r not agree so he is please tell me hw should i imagine so that i get married to my boyfriend with the permission of our parents
HI Himani, Suggest to read the recent answer that I gave to Ni regarding here relationship. I think it will hold clues for you. Does your boyfreind know of Neville’s teachings and imagining? It might be good to share this teaching with him and if he is interested to try it to work with him to come up with your own individual imaginary experiences which have the same objective in mind. The outer world of shadows will conform to the inner world of your imaginings.
Let me know of your wonderful news.
Carl Andrew
Thanks for ur reply.
My boyfriend doesn’t believe in all these things so i hv to do it alone.I imagine myself as his bride holding his hand nd our relatives congratulating us .I had also made our marriage vision i m nt getting any thing i want to share with u that recently one of my friend offered me to be bride bcoz she needs to do bridal makeup for one of her project so does that a sign that i m on a right track.My boyfriend also liked my bridal makeup pics nd our relation is full of love.please suggest me wht more should i do to attract my marriage nd our parents approval.please tell me i m on right track or not.
HI Himani,
First to your specific question….
“wht more should i do to attract my marriage nd our parents approval.please tell me i m on right track or not.”
What you describe is that you are still looking for parents approval. You have still not reached “The Sabbath” which is the day of rest when the work of imagining has been done and you have reached the point of satisfaction and are living in the assumption that approval has been granted. To do that you would need to incorporate that feeling of approval into your imaginary experience.
A little feedback from my own personal experience. (This may come in handy now or later or maybe its not relevant for your situation…the inner you – your Higher Self will know)
quote: “My boyfriend doesn’t believe in all these things so i hv to do it alone”
Having been in a relationship where my partner “lived in the world of Reality” as opposed to “living life from within as an imaginist”, my experience is that it was a very very hard work relationship. I ended it after some considerable effort on my part to encourage her (whilst adhering to the Golden Rule) to adopt a spiritual approach to life. It is possible that over time she would have changed to what I desired and I did observe the starting of changes on the spiritual side, but not at the same pace that I was changing. Either I had to drop back to her level and change to suit her or she had to raise to mine and change to suit me and If either of us had done that we would not have been being true to ourselves. It was actually quite draining on me to consistently uplift her with my energy and that held me back. We are however still good friends.
In the end I decided that I wanted to find a partner who is actively involved in the spiritual journey and more suited to me, so that we can share wonderful experiences together as imaginists and hence live life as it is meant to be lived. What I did was to define my “Super Self” and my “Super Soul Mate” and allow the Universe and our Higher Selves to connect us. This has indeed been a transformational journey for me.
I have shared my personal experience with a few others in similar situations to yours. Sometimes things dont work out because our Higher Self has something much better lined up for us. And then in other cases the lesson of the Higher Self may be best learned in other ways. It’s a different journey for everyone. In all cases you’ll know that you are on track when things happen so naturally that you would have thought they would happen anyway. From experience, whenever I have to push and use will power and exert myself to achieve or get something I’m almost always in ego and on the wrong track (probably always :-) ) Whenever things happen so so naturally I know Im on the right track and being guided by my Higher Self.
I hope this has helped to shed some light on your experience. Whether appropriate or not I did feel the intuition to share my experience.
Most important is….remember… when your imagining happens so naturally you will know that you were right.
Carl Andrew
Hi Carl sorry I sent a private messgae before checking this q/a page.I have been following Neville since Jan 15th 2015 and before that for 3 months I followed the secret and magic by wtitings lists, vision boards etc but nothing has worked for me yet.
Since Jan before and after bed I do sessions of feeling my husband next to me on a lovely four poster bed in my dream home.I see touch feel hear and smell him.I hear him say he loves me too.Then soon after I imagine that I am debt free by seeing my credit card balance as zero.Then I imagine seeing my family members healthy wealthy etc and sometimes a few friends also.I do.all these together and takes about 30 mins.
Then in the train and all I do a few quick sessions of imagining my husband’s hand in mine and saying to myslef I am K’s amazing wife.I say that in my mind even at work and I do feel happy most of the time.I even dress how he likes.
Somedays I see dreams that we are back together and sometimes I see he’s gone or with another etc those dreams make me sad but then in a while I think to myself that I am his only wife and I am amazing rtc.So I try to forget the dream and think positive.
So since yesterday I added something new that I have received an email from him saying he’s missing me.Btw it’s been 2 years since I last saw him.I wish I knew about Neville back then but recently only I found about him. I read that no desire is wrong and that all things are really possible if you can feel it and I do.
It’s almost 4 months now and all the similar relationship success stories I have read says it was restored in 6/8 weeks.Then I wonder if it’s normal for something to take few months? I do feel it natural and I do believe I think from it and not of it.So just want to see your insights on this if you have time.
Thanks for reading my long email.
Ni from Australia
Hi Ni,
Thanks for the overview!
Your imaginary experience sounds lovely!
Remember in regards to time that the time your husband and you were together you had not discovered Neville. You have now and are working with your imagination which is wonderful. At this point we dont really know the level of consciousness of your husband or what changes he has made and has to make in his inner world. I would say that it is very encouraging that you have received an email from him after 2 years of no word and that email coming just recently during the time when you have started your imagining. My feeling is that you are on the right path and that allowing your husband the space he needs to make whatever changes in consciousness he needs to match your level of consciousness is a good thing. When you look at “Time” look at it as a measure of change of being as opposed to a linear measurement in calendar terms. Some people take a lot of linear time to change their state of being and others change more quickly.
If you wanted to add some new variety to your imaginings what would you add? What wonderful new experiences would you add to embellish the solidifying imagining that you have already created?
Keep me posted on your wonderful news!
Carl Andrew
Thanks for your detailed reply Carl.I meant I added a new item to my session that I have received an email from him and I am sure I will receive one very soon.I actually copied that from a similar success story of a similar situation and this lady did receive one even when everyone told her it’s impossible. I am positive I will too and I will definitely share my wonderful news with you soon.
Thanks again for everything.
Hey there Carl,
Firstly, please let me thank you for being such a pro-active and lovely blogger. Your inner self radiates to me and I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks and Neville Goddard’s teachings for maybe a few months.
This summer, I manifested an amazing relationship with this wonderful man who I know within myself is my soulmate. However, due to my negative thinking I truly believe that I have pushed him away and we are now longer in contact. There was no fight/arguments.
I have been using the method of Revision and using my imagination to bring my man back to me though I find it difficult to stay happy all the time/ stay in the state of wish fulfilled only because I genuinely miss him and his presence. I know I will manifest him back ( at this rate I will be 50!! ) but do you have any advice on attracting him faster?
Lots of love and joy
Hey there Carl,
Firstly, please let me thank you for being such a pro-active and lovely blogger. Your inner self radiates to me and I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks and Neville Goddard’s teachings for maybe a few months.
This summer, I manifested an amazing relationship with this wonderful man who I know within myself is my soulmate. He treated me with utmost love and respect and is everything I’ve ever wanted.
However, due to my negative thinking/ creating, and limiting beliefs, I truly believe that I have pushed him away and created obstacles so that we are now longer in contact. There was no fight/arguments.
I have been using the method of Revision and using my imagination to bring my man back to me though I find it difficult to stay happy all the time/ stay in the state of wish fulfilled only because I genuinely miss him and his presence at the current moment. I know I will manifest him back ( at this rate I will be 50!! ) but do you have any advice on attracting him faster? Especially since most people say this technique can bring results within days/weeks.
Lots of love and joy
Hi Alana
Responded to your other comment
Love and light
Carl :-)
Dear Carl,
I am not sure if you got my earlier correspondence, therefore I am re-writing this message again in hopes that you may reply.
Again, firstly I would like to thank you for your efforts,in helping people that are reaching out to you.
I’m reaching out to for advice in ‘staying in the wish fulfilled’, in regards to attracting a man that I dated this last summer. There was definate mutual attraction on various levels (physical/ mental/emotional) and similar goals and aspirations. However, due to possibly my limiting beliefs I think I may have pushed him away energetically.
I have been practising Neville’s art of Revision and I even penned a text that I would like to recieve from him. I have been doing this for while with no avail and fluctuate between determined to get him back to missing him terribly.
Could you advise me on this situation. I just want my soulmate back
Hi Alana,
Thanks for the thumbs up on the Neville blog :-)
Hope you had an awesome Christmas and fabulous start to the New Year!
A couple of questions for you…
What personal development work are you doing for yourself on a regular basis asides from practicing Neville’s suggestions?
Do you have a vision for your life that includes your soul mate and are you absolutely clear on it?
Is the man that you were in the relationship with practicing any form of personal development work on a regular basis or a student of Neville’s methods? Were you aware if he had a vision/plan for his life?
Did you both have a mutual vision for the future that you shared whilst in the relationship and did you both take actions towards manifesting that future together?
Let me know your answers and then we can look a little deeper into what’s going on for you. It might not be something that you did that caused the relationship to end. Often times it would seem there is no reason for things to change and yet they do and a deeper look often provides the answers.
Another thing to note is that one of the many of the mistakes that people make when manifesting is mentally demanding that the universe delivers their good in a specific way which is not aligned to their soul’s highest intentions for them. It’s not something that most people like to hear but it is something that most people who have success with manifesting understand. Have a think about that as well.
I look forward to hearing from you
Have a wonderful weekend !
Carl :-)
P.S. I think this reply covers both of your comments and thanks so much for participating on the blog!
I manifested a relationship with a Man long distance from a country I love he however lives in another country for work .,. I ve seen him only few times
He’s made the effort to visit me ,.
Recent visit a state I’ve been imaging ( a child) which I was under impression he was OK wit when he found out from my writings lead to break up as he felt I was forcing it.
Can I revise this disagreement and restore the relationship.
Hey Ann!
Thanks for your question!
I will do an audio for this as I have had a couple of similar questions come in recently on the same topic.
If you subscribed to this post then you will get a message when I post the audio.
Blessings love and light!
Carl :-)
hi carl,
i hope you’re well…it’s been a long time :)
first let me tell i love this blog and all your work on neville. i nevillize all the time…i’ve had masses and masses of success with his technique…he’s truly a master and my favourite.
i manifested love, money, better relationships with family members and so many other things…one amazing thing was a very expensive piece of jewelry that was given to me by my late father that i had lost in a huge public place that was returned to me exactly how i imagined it three weeks later…that was truly magnificent and the experience caused many family members to start on their own neville path…
anyway my question is this: my fiance lives in another country and due to my nationality and visa requirements etc it’s very hard for me to move to his country and live with him…nothing is impossible i KNOW that and i have masses and masses of faith that’s not the problem, my glitch is that i can’t think of a scene that would imply that we’re both living permanently in the same place together. we travel to see each other all the time but after 3 years of this we now really need to be permanently together.
can you help me think of a scene that would imply this. please help…i’m stuck and to be honest i’ve never ever been stuck with neville before.
sending you all my love and blessings and imagining that your answer will bring me the light that i need.
take care and keep up this beautiful, wonderful, priceless work that you’re doing,
hala :)
Hey Hala!
Greetings to you :-)
I was just doing some clearing and revision work and saw your comment come in.
Congrats on your magnificent manifaestations :-)
First thing that came to mind when you asked for a scene was that I saw you both traveling together and finding a place together to live that resonates with you both.
Hope that helps :-)
Blessings love and light!
Carl :-)
(keep me posted I’m intrigued!)
hi carl,
wow that was quick! thank you so much for replying and so speedily!
ok that’s a good one…will work on it effortlessly and will let you know how i get on.
lots of love,
hala :)
ps. omg i’ve just had another idea…i can imagine emailingyou about my success…that would work too wouldn’t it?
the one that you feel is just right is the one that will work for you :-)
Note for readers of this comment thread:
That’s the beauty of the contemplation (AKA brainstroming) part of the imagining process. Playing childishly with ideas and imagining them.
I find that when the image or idea is just right and I imagine it, I reach the “Sabbath”” in moments and things manifest. (The opposite is forcing or pushing to imagine something.) I’ve had experiences of just thinking something intentionally and it happens at the right moment in the right way.
The right idea to imagine comes more easily when we are CLEAR on the desire and let our loving Unconscious Mind do its work of playfully providing the possible ideas to imagine and we clear any contradictions (conflicts) in our Unconscious Mind. Revision and clearing are POWERFUL
Hi Carl! There is one point I am totally confused about – it is about how often I should practice the imagination of my wish. It seems that Neville imagined his trip to Barbados and his leaving the army only once anf then “just” waitef. He sometimes compares imagination with conception and tells that when you are pregnant you can’t do anything else but wait. On the other side it is often said that it os imoprtant to repeat imagin ation daily. But wouldn’t this be against the ‘law of reverse effort’? I imagine my wish since about one month several times daily, with a great feeling and a concrete ‘movie’ in my mind and with all my senses. But nothing happens. Sometimes I think I should just stop imagining and wait, but wouldn’t this mean to give up? Tahnx for your comment. Ps. Pls excuse my bad english, I live in a German-speaking country.
Hey Felix,
This is a great question and your description shows that you have been both reading deeply of Neville’s teachings and practicing.
Also what I read shows me that you are getting some great feedback from your Unconscious Mind by bringing questions to your mind for you to solve.
The KEY as Neville says in his lecture “Sami’s Question” is ASSUMPTION and assumption is a “Transformation” of self.
Many people make the mistake of waiting for their manifestation to turn up on their doorstep but they are waiting in their “Old State” (lacking the manifestation) and not the new state within which their desire is already fulfilled.
This is the short answer for you. There is of course more depth to this than is initially apparent. Most often there is inner work to do to clear the path because remember this whole game of imagining is about “Transformation of Self”.
You may want to take a look at a training I did recently called “Simple Imagine Manifest System” This is some relevant information on the pages here:
Thanks for your questions
Blessings and happy thoughts!
Carl :-)
Felix, A quick follow up with a quote from Neville that may bring some perspective to your question and my answer:
The world which is described from observation is a manifestation of the mental activity of the observer. When man discovers that his world is his own mental activity made visible, that no man can come unto him except he draws him, and that there is no one to change but himself, his own imaginative self, his first impulse is to reshape the world in the image of his ideal. But his ideal is not so easily incarnated. In that moment when he ceases to conform to external discipline, he must impose upon himself a far more rigorous discipline, the self discipline upon which the realization of his ideal depends.
Imagination is not entirely untrammeled and free to move at will without any rules to constrain it. In fact, the contrary is true. Imagination travels according to habit. Imagination has choice, but it chooses according to habit. Awake or asleep, man’s imagination is constrained to follow certain definite patterns. It is this benumbing influence of habit that man must change; if he does not, his dreams will fade under the paralysis of custom.
Carl :-)
Which of Neville’s techniques do you consider as more powerful – the “breathing technique” or the “akin to sleep technique”?
Hey Felix,
Welcome and thanks for posting your comments!
I’d like to start by asking you a question :-)
Which one of the techniques do you find more powerful?
The reason I ask this is that as you move forwards on your journey to master yourself and therefore your imagination you will have many opportunities to test out and practice your imagining skills.
What you will find is that you develop an affinity for certain techniques and begin to “own” them. This is when you know that you are Unconsciously mastering your direction of your focus and attention and your imagination. As your relationship with your Unconscious Mind develops you will find that the right technique for any situation comes easily to mind and you will find yourself doing it.
This whole journey is a journey transformation and of mastering self and your world that you are creating.
Let me know which of the techniques you prefer and perhaps some examples of where you have used them.
Blessings bro!
Carl :-)
Hi I sent you a message about this too. I saw your video about counting money in your imagination to manifest money. Well I was wondering if I could do that same thing but instead of counting money I would imagine opening up my bank app and checking my account to see money in the balance. Will this have the same effect as counting money? This is an easier method for me because I rarely ever have cash on me and I usually always just use a debit card and check the money I have in my bank account on my phone.
Hi Rio :-)
Thanks for writing in with your questions :-)
Phones have come a long way in 10 years or so since I made original version of that video :-)
The key to this is “What’s feels right for you” and your description of the action you normally take sounds very much like that is the way that you have already programmed your mind to take account of an amount of money “you have NOW already manifested” :-)
The key is to get to the point in your mind where you feel it is “DONE” and let it go and enjoy your “sabbath day of rest” as you walk in your ASSUMPTION.
Thanks, blessings and abundance to you!
Carl :-)
Ok thank you! Also this is a super simple question but I am in a hard place right now in life and I just need encouragement that what Neville taught is real. Every time I listen to him and read his books I do believe him but every time I try to imagine something I have doubts whether it will work. It is hard to stay positive when i’m in a tough spot in my life. I even get mad at myself cause I will have doubts creep in when I really do believe Neville.
Hi Rio,
Great question and I appreciate where you are at now. Most of us on our Neville journeys have been in a same or similar place.
I’ll let Jack’s story answer your question for you…
Blessings bro!!!
Hi Carl,
My name is Jack Supinger and I became a member of your website a while back.
I downloaded all the Neville recordings and added them to my collection, and read all of Neville’s books numerous times.I read at least a few pages a day, and when I finish I start over. I had a job which included a lot of driving so I was able to listen to Neville all day everyday. Over and over and over and over!
I hated the job I had. I basically made minimum wage, and barely broke even at the end of the month. One day while driving, it struck me. I had finally had enough of that kind of life, so I told myself that I was going to make an experiment, and do exactly as Neville said to do, and live as if I was the man I wished to be, and FEEL as if my dream was real. It was like a game of make-believe.
It was difficult at first, but after the first 3 days it came kind of naturally. People started treating me different, (in a good way). I would drive around all day believing that I had a lot more money than I actually did have. Before I knew it, I was driving around with a big smile on my face and feeling great.
And thats when it happened! I got a call from a company I had applied with 6 months earlier! They made me an offer I could not refuse. I almost started crying! What you and Neville say about imagining is TRUE!
Im now writing you this letter from my new desk, in my new company, with a HUGE smile across my face. I have better health coverage, vacation time, and a 10 times better boss. And the best part is that my wages are over 300% MORE than what I made at my last job!!!!!!!
OVER 300% MORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And Im SSSSOOOOOO much happier here. I have begun a new adventure.
I have finally learned to “apply the law” as Neville would say.
Thank you so much Carl!
Your friend,
hi hope that you can reply my message.
I lost my 3 kids and my husband due to a post partum depression.
is almost 2 years in a custody battle and begging my husband to come back with me.
he hate me more and more, he pushed back from me everyday more. I don’t master the visualization before sleep is very difficult to visualized before sleep for me so what I try to do is repeating phrases like my family is with me, thanks god because I got the miracle of the restauration and heal of my family, stuff like that.
I cant feel the sentiment of fullifiment of my goal already approached.
I only feel devastated I’m without home,without family,without my kids, I’m completely devastated
people run away from me because I only cry, I’m broken in thousand pieces, i don’t know how to got myself together, I just don’t knoe how to get back on myself, my whole word is end,i don’t know what to do, every time that I go to court is worse than the last time.
I’m desperate, this pain is unbearable. I have no more strength it is impossible to hold myself I try to repeat positive affirmations all day but the feeling of sadness is stronger.
how can I make a miracle in my life?
I don’t know what else to do!!!
HI Gisela,
Well done for reaching out for help!
You are in the perfect place now.
I have helped many people free themselves from similar illusions of rock bottom situations. Rock bottom is a great place to build strong unshakable foundations.
From reading your email I can see that you are willing to do the work required which is “essential”.
First up, you need a full energy clearing to properly clear all the negative influences and interference from all levels of your being and wake you up.
Then, I will show you how to get super clear on your ideal and show you how this “imagining creates reality” really works.
Contact me via my website contact form here:
Blessings and Freedom!
Greetings and Happy thoughts!
I felt the urge to write a follow up comment to this thread for anyone who is reading through the Q and A.
Here’s the KEY point.
Life brings up challenges (as we know) and when anyone finds themselevs in a prolonged fight or flight situation they need to get out of that low energy, low power sludge of low emotions FAST.
There are many things that we can do such as listening and reading good inspirational material sand saying affirmations and all that stuff AND as most people have probably experienced…. it doesn’t seem to work effectively enough and certainly not as fast as we would like.
The KEY is to get clear of all that old energy and emotions FAST and THEN from a point of clarity take a breath and pause and get clear on desired result and CREATE the solution and IMAGINE it.
The fastest way to clean up all that old undesired energy is an energy clearing that cleans up a persons energetic anatomy and clear and close the doors on all energetic interference.
Traumatic events often also create a fragmentation of soul energies, which are then realigned so a person “feels whole again”
At that point the person is back in their power and aligned with their Higher Self and can more powerfully co-create the solution.
So the steps are:
1) Get clear and free from the old energy fast and realign self.
2) Get clear on desire to be imagined and manifested and imagine
3) Stay in high energy and assumption and “Revise”whatever caused the old situation in the first place
How I can I help.
1) Full energy clearing session
2) Power session to get clear on desire and Imagine (I Imagine with you)
Then change what you were previously doing which created the situation in the first place
Hope that helps :-)
If nothing else has been working for you then maybe this is the solution your Higher Self wanted you to find.
You can use the contact form on my website to find out more.
Carl :-)
Hey carl i hope you read this i feel Neville Goddard is the truth.but due to some negativity here like one of your people like Nancy who said that she had read Neville,murphy,abraham and all other law of attraction books i just wanted to know man that How to ignore the negativity and completly believe that this law will work
Hi There (I didn’t see you name :-) )
This is the step that Neville speaks of many times and most people ignore…
If you are feeling any Doubt, Negativity, Disbelief, Resentment etc etc and the List of Problems and all the other things that come up
then it’s time for…. PRUNING THE VINE
The majority of people’s time will be well invested “Pruning Their Vine” and going about their “Father’s Work”.
The Father’s work is what I call “Daily Life” and Daily Life should be a blissfully happy journey of passion.
If you remember Neville’s book logo, it’s a vine which has already been pruned and IS bearing fruit and a heart and an eye.
Unconditional love is KEY (and most people silently don’t love themselves or others or their father which also compounds the problems.)
Imagining + LOVE + Pruned Vine = A happy life
There is a lot more to mastering what Neville teaches than meets the eye at first glance and we need to go about it in a dedicated way learning about life and our TRUE place we desire to have in it.
Look, if it helps, I can tell you from experience I was a tough case and I really had to work at this even though I’ve had numerous eye opening manifestations through imagining and through that experience I share what works.
I have some powerful training’s on my site here:
I also do coaching/mentoring and imagining with or for you as well as energy clearing’s.
Blessings and love!
(and do whatever it takes to get yourself to the point ASAP where you are really enjoying your journey of life)
Carl :-)
Neville wanted to be an actor his whole life. He never manifested a successful acting career. Sure he was successful selling people ideas and dreams but never was able to become a true actor himself. I feel like most metaphysical writers make their money telling people how to achieve their goals. Yet never really manifest money through their own work. like why didn’t this guy ever become a good actor? Maybe he couldn’t make it, but he could make people give him money to sell them an idea that they can achieve their dreams even though he never achieved his acting Goal.
Why do you think that is?
HI Jerry,
And how is that story you have created helping you?
It’s just confusing because I want to believe in his teachings, but I don’t understand why he never could.
OK Jerry,
So what you need to do is FOCUS ALL of your attention into learning and applying Neville’s teachings.
Neville was a messenger (Not the message).
God (the ONE being of which we are all individualized points of consciousness ) often uses ordinary men and women just like you and I to carry and share his message.
So focus on the message. Be diligent and persistent and apply the Law.
The Law is operating 24/7 so learn to apply it in ways that expand your life and bring you the happiness you are seeking.
Let others “Mock and Scoff” as the Bible says.
Be one of the “Doers”
Blessings bro!
You CAN do it!
Carl :-)
Hi Carl, I wondered if you could give me some guidance.
I recently met a lovely man through work. There was an instant mutual attraction, and the most amazing chemistry between us. He has been divorced, his ex wife cheated on him. Initially I was not aware of the devastating effect this infidelity had had on him.
We did chat on line all the time, and we have met twice. The last time the chemistry was palpable – even others in the room could feel it. I know he likes me, he has told me so, and he has also told me that he thinks I am a wonderful woman. At the moment he is not ready for a commitment, and recently has gradually distances himself from me, although he wants to stay in touch.
Now, for the last few months my self love has been in the minus, and I have felt a lot of anger towards him.
It is only in literally the last two days that I have realized that he is staying away to protect himself, not because he doesn’t like me, but because he does.
I have bought some of Neville’s books, and have been reading them. My question is how does my living in the end, self love and visualisation work on a man who has had such a traumatic experience in his life. How does it break down the barriers he has put up, and let me in.
I know LOA works, I have been using it successfully my entire life without realising it.
When I have practiced the technique, this lovely man has come towards me, so I know it works I would just like to understand how. I know ultimately it’s not up to me to worry about the ‘how’, just to have faith and believe.
Thank you for your wonderful website, and the access to Neville’s books!
HI Maggie
Thanks for writing in with your question and thanks for sharing with us so that we can all learn from each other :-)
Ok, so first up a few short paragraphs to give some context.
No one can come to me lest “My Father” has sent him
You definitely attracted this man and the whole vast world is ourselves pushed out and is a mirror of our inner self.
Lets talk about YOU and YOUR Part (He has played his part well)
You’ve described two different sides of the equation that you find yourself in.
On the one hand a strong attraction and then he pulled away from you (with a STORY and excuses) and brought up feelings of low self love (low self esteem) and anger.
Then your “Ego” has rationalised the situation and created YOUR STORY of he is staying away to protect himself because he really does like you.
Next up you have decided to use the LOA/Imagining to FIX AND HEAL him so that he can be the way you want him to be.
Ego rationalises that it is good at LOA been using it successfully whole life AKA this should work in this situation too…
Then there is the Ego’s NUMBER ONE question that it wants to solve in life … “HOW”
Maggie, you can have YOUR relationship of your dreams.
The man you just described showed up to let you know how you are currently projecting yourself into your world
Well done for noticing your “STATE” that you entered into when confronted by your creation.
Moving forwards…
Get VERY CLEAR on your ideal relationship.
Then start to FEEL that you have it… (As you have been doing to a degree) Use imagination as you feel to
When someone presents themselves as a candidate OBSERVE YOURSELF. BE AWAKE.
Do revision and clearing on the not enjoyable states that come up for you …anger/ lack ofself love.
It is those aspects of you that attracted the man who showed you those aspects of you and you will continue to be presented with same or similar until you change yourself (No One To Change but Self as Neville says)
When you have worked on self love and anger issues (There’s probably more than that) then observe the next man you attract even casually. Observe ALL of your relationshsips – who else triggers other Ego programming in you?
ALLOW “Your Father” to do your “Fathers Work”… that eliminates Ego’s torment with “How To”
Once you have your IMAGE clear in mind and you are “Pruning The Vine” (Clearing and Revising) you will attract the right man for you.
If you settle for something less than perfect or some one you have to fIX then that is a DRAMA that you will participate in either happily because you want to fix men or until the point where you decide to ONLY ACCEPT THE ABSOLUTE BEST in your life
This is your life. How do you want to play it?
Time flies for the Ego…years decades trying to figure out the HOW and to change other people so that it feel comfortable.
Better to simply decide on your part you want to play and let your Father bring your co-actors that TRULY match the part you want to play.
Now, I have two trainings that you will find interesting and powerful.
1) My life vision training that helps you get clear and imagine your desire
2) My simple Imagine Manifest System that helps you Prune your Vine and clear out those old emotions and state that need to go.
On my new website you will find a FREE training that will get you started called the Game of Life and you will learn a lot about yourself and Higher Self and Ego.
Hope that helps Maggie
I IMAGINE you telling me that you have attracted the most wonderful man who is real and whole and harmonious in every way with the woman that you have become
Carl :-)
Maggie,just one additional note to help further clarify :-)
It is really an exercise in futility trying to change someone else “To Suit Ourselves”.
However when you change they will either disappear from your reality or present themselves differently to you (but probably still not a match) or you will attract the right person.
However from a compassionate perspective we can imagine another person as how they would like to besuch as in imagining another person healed or gainfully employed or with their ideal mate “and let our Father Do The Work”.
There is a subtle difference.
I am searching for the lecture where Neville discusses the meaning of the name Jehovah , in this lecture he deconstructs the name Je – ho – vah – the eye – the nail – the window
I need to refresh my memory , please help , Thank You
Hi Stephen,
1948 lessons (AKA Class Instruction)
I narrated a 5 hour audio book of this and it’s in the Secret Of Imagining Collection
I AM imagining you unlock your great abilities of Imagining Stephen
Carl :-)
Hi Carl, I am from Nepal and 20 years old boy. I really wanted to increase my height since I was just 16 years old. Is it possible to increase height or change any physical appearance by using Nevill Goddard technique at any age ?
I would be more delighted to get answer from you. Thankyou!!for sharing helpful information to the world……
Hi Sese,
Great question!
I believe that what you believe is possible you can achieve.
Regarding height I have heard stories of others doing that successfully
Regarding other features you would best start by working on your self image and loving yourself as you are.
We are all beautiful in the eyes of our creator and that is something we need to realise ourselves.
Many many years ago I hated myself and it was through my personal development journey I came to love myself. :-)
So my intuition would be to “test him and see” (as it says in the wonderful bible) regarding your height as that is an easy thing to imagine and achieve. You might find that a fun experiment.
Regarding other features work on yourself first and then see if there is really anything that you want to change. You might discover that you love yourself juts the way you are and wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Blessings and light!
Carl :-)
Please help me I’m stuck in pain penniless and just a charity since January 2017 after divorce in October 2016. More frustrating is that during divorce more than 5 lawyers go silence on me without disagreement or misunderstanding and more than 8 contacts business potentially opportunities does same and evening blocking my number also without quarrel misunderstandings or disagreement.
I really really need your help asap please.
I have read and listen to audio including yours e.g. I’M but nothing is changes.
Ndiafhi Netshiokho
+27 72 582 6441
South Africa
Hi bro
I replied to your email you sent me and have given you a task to do.
let me know how you went with that.
Blessings, love, joy and light!
Carl :-)
My name is Chris. I’m trying to get an idea of how long before things change for your experience typically ?
I’ll tell you I’m a beginner at this but don’t underestimate me I have a very good knowledge of the Bible and have been just consuming all the material I can find from Neville and all the others like if you could see my YouTube history you would be amazed. I pretty much study this stuff constantly. I am unfamiliar with clearing techniques but the sleep like state I’ve already been able to reach. As far as details it’s not smell. But I have no trouble with the visuals or sound and I’m very good at conjuring strong emotions of love. My vision is not exactly one single thing but it is very clear and direct. In my vision there are three main areas I’m concerned about which is wealth, health, and love. But for example sometimes I imagine myself driving this beautiful corvette but the car is not really what I’m thinking about- that’s just part of my visualization that helps affirm the wealth portion if you know what I mean. I try to visualize often but I really have no idea what’s considered regular or a lot. I visualize anytime during the day and always at night lately and when I wake up I try and recall the images as quick -as I can and hold them in mind.
Sometimes im frustrated before I visualize but I relax and remain until everything becomes effective even if this takes hours. And sometimes I visualize almost all night when I can’t sleep. I really truly believe in this to my core and feel like it’s all scriptural and I’ve manifested before several times mostly on accident but these happened almost instantly. Well maybe not- I’ve had a lot of stuff happen in my life and not until recently and I realized these things are possible. But you see even before I got to where I am- im a charismatic Christian and so I was attributing everything to operating in the spirit and spiritual gifts and whatnot. It would really be amazing if you could just give me some guidance and more of an idea of an established structure and maybe clarify what you think I should do.
I don’t see a opt in for emails im including mine in there though.
Hi Chris,Thanks for your comment and questions
Your enthusiasm shines through!
Short answer to your main question.Every seed you sow has its own time for germination.
Some KEY points
There are two Chris’s (and an infinite number of possibilities for Chris.)
Essentially there is Old Chris
and there is New Chris
Two different states of consciousness
(Actually they are collections of states of consciousness)
Key is to define and become New Chris
At the point you are actually walking around AS New Chris and have buried Old Chris in a place you will never find him
Then you have accomplished your ideal.
If you are clear on your new ideal then you will see the world reflect it back to you
If you were unclear then you will see an unclear version reflected back to you.
Thats the basic big picture life vision style scenario
Your new world should ideally include all that you want to become
Relationship with your Higher Self levels of consciousness, Spiritual evolution,
Health, wealth, happiness, love, manifesting skills Occupation success, and so on
Obviously there is more to this.
This is an audio of a podcast of what I call the Higher Self Help Call
This is the 5 step structure I use and teach
It also gets you on my mailing list
I will be running a group coaching in the new year
In the interim I have some structured trainings that I offer
In addition i do one to one coaching
Have a listen to the audio call and email me
This is a very KEY point in evolution currently so pay close attention to your intuition and follow it
Blessings and Light Chris
Email me back and let me know if anything strikes a chord with you
Merry Christmas
Carl :-)