Neville Goddard On Television To An Audience Estimated At 300,000 People Neville recounts his television appearances: I had 26 in L.A. on Channel 11. There were thirteen, and then I had a break for about three months, and they brought me back for another thirteen. There were 26 half-hour shows; I did just what I […]
Holy Pony Pony
A friend of mine skype’d me today and told me he was having problems with someone hassling him. I told him to unsubscribe :-) (That’s why I get big bucks for coaching. Simple effective solutions ) Then he said …No you fool. this is real… …someone is hassling me , they keep calling and wont […]
The Tennis Ball and The Wedding Ring
Imagination and Visualization Training Audio The reason why Neville’s continually suggests that we put the Law to the test is that having an experience of conscious co-creation is a powerfully and motivating event. In order to do that we must practice and this is the first in a series of audios that takes one of […]
Neville Goddard Community on Facebook
Hi everyone, I started a “Neville Goddard Facebook“. It’s a community where we can share and help each other to get the most of of Neville’s teachings. There is a Quiz just posted on the page. In-Joy! Carl :-)
The Perfect Home
This Neville Success Story Is From The Law And The Promise The following story illustrates the way in which a lady prepared her “stately habitation” by imaginatively sleeping in it—or “dwelling therein”. “A few months ago my husband decided to place our home on the market. The main object for the move which we had […]
Neville Goddard Competitions Weekly
Neville Goddard Competition ONE Competitions Are Closed. Congratulations to the lucky winners and thanks to everyone for participating. (N.B. There are a couple of great manifesting stories in the comments section of this page – well worth a read) This competition starts on the 16th October 2012 and every day this week “One Lucky Winner” […]
How To Find Your Perfect Partner
How To Find Your Perfect Partner “Are You Imagining Pure Dreams Of Fancy or Images From Memory – There Is A Definite Difference” “Wouldst thou be in a Dream, and yet not sleep?” Try to revise your day every night before falling asleep. Try to visualize clearly and enter into the revised scene which would […]
The Skill of Revision Sells A Property
The Skill of Revision Sells A Property How Can Revision Of The Past Change The Circumstances of Life? In this Neville Goddard Success Story the art of “Revision” is used to mentally falsify the facts. To revise the past is to re-construct it with new content. Man should daily relive the day as he wished […]
Couple Get Their Investment Property
A Doctor and His Wife Get Their Apartment Block For many years a doctor and his wife “dreamed” about their “stately habitation”, but not until they imaginatively lived in it, did they manifest it. Here is their story: “Some fifteen years ago, Mrs. M. and I purchased a lot on which we built a two-story […]