Neville Goddard Inspired Imagination & Success Stories From Readers
Having been a self help coach for a number of years I encourage all clients and members to share their "Ah-Ha" moments or a breakthrough or simply a good feeling.
It encourages us all and you never know when a comment you left will be just right to inspire someone else at just the right time...
Rudy Valdez shared this wonderful story:
A few weeks ago, I was sitting in Burger King in Florida, broke, and wondering how I was going to get money.I needed $50 dollars to get my cell phone turned back on and for gas in the car. I remembered your youtube video on manifesting money.I realized that I had a very real looking, fake $50 dollar bill in my wallet, that was an advertisement from an income tax service company. I took out this fake $50 dollar bill, studied it intensely, and closed my eyes, as I imagined spending it, holding it, feeling it, etc.
Within thirty minutes, a lady comes by, and asks me if she could charge her phone with my charger, I said yes, and she proceeded to tell me how she was dancing two nights ago at a club across the bay, passed out, and for some reason the ambulance brought her over to the hospital on this side of the bay in another city.
She went on to tell me she was trying to call a cab to get back across the bay to get home, but the cab fare would cost at least a $150 dollars. I told I would take her but I do not have enough gas. She told me she would give me$50 dollars, plus $20 dollars for gas...
AMAZING, in less than thirty minutes, what I imagined happen!
P.S. Her name was Angel!
Next up is a wonderful story from Debra Kunu:
Dear Carl,
I have been following your postings about the teachings of Neville Goddard for over a year.
Neville explained “the Sabbath” and I was profoundly blessed by that enlightenment.
I am also following another Neville Goddard teacher. Both of you have blessed me in changing the way I think.
I am the product of two Pentecostal Ministers and it has taken its toll on my life and my achievements.
I am writing to confirm that these teachings have brought peace to my life and is “the Way, the Truth and the way to an Abundant Life”.
I must share this blessing with your audience or I shall burst.
Because of fear and self-loathing I lost everything. I ended up owing the “IRS” $100,000.00 for penalties, taxes, etc., I haven’t worked in 5 years and the contract I had with the government was not renewed.
I asked a friend who is an accountant to help me ask the IRS for an offer- in- compromise. He wanted to charge me $10,000.
I am a Lawyer whose license has been suspended and can’t practice law until I pay the Bar a lot of money. My house is in foreclosure. I have no money…..YET!!! A person I met briefly suggested I ask the Legal Aid Office for assistance.
Instead, I sent myself a letter to the IRS with a check for $100,000.00 and wrote “paid-in-full.” When the letter was returned to me, I posted it on my bulletin board and wrote “Paid-in-full” on the unopened letter. Then I prepared my offer-in-compromise and offered the IRS $500.00 (five hundred dollars). I sent them a check for $100 which meant if accepted I would owe $400.00 which I promised to pay in full if accepted.
I sent this letter in January 2014.
I finally got a job as a telemarketer and was fired after 3 weeks. I have applied everywhere for any job, including baby sister at 24 Hour Fitness a gym I belong to and even know the managers. If the IRS accepted my offer, I didn’t have the money to pay $400.00. I was trying to take my mind off my debt and use any work as my “Sabbath.” Nobody would hire me.
I live in San Diego, and my ex-husband went to Point Loma on Sunday August 24, 2014, to watch the Sunset. There were many surfers in the ocean looking towards the west waiting patiently for the big one. My husband joked about how weird it was for them to be sitting there wasting time. But I realized then the difference between “desiring” something vs “expecting.” The surfers were expecting waves. They knew it. I turned my desires into expectations.
The next day I got a letter from the IRS. They accepted my offer-in-compromise. All I needed was $400.00.My ex paid it on-line.
I went from owing the IRS $100,000.00 to $400.00. My debt is settled and it is a miracle.
I am expecting to get my license and my reputation back, and the deed to my house.
I will keep you and your audience posted.
Thank you for sharing.
All my love, the Pentecostal’s Daughter
P.S. On Thursday, August 29, 2014, waves as high as 30 feet were reported. Those surfers know something about expectation and patience. ?
If you have a moment, please share your success story of using your "wonderful imagination". Whether seemingly big or small all successes are the creative process in action and practice and patience pay off big time (especially with your confidence)
I read all of the comments and reply so I would like to thank you in advance for leaving yours :-)
You may also want to read these Neville Success Stories:
The Perfect Home (From The Law and The Promise)
How To Find Your Perfect Partner
I myself am a Pentecostal Kid, born and raised, call me Casey, Newlife’s Child. Like Debra, the Pentecostals’ Daughter, I was also a member of the legal profession. I built a fierce reputation and fine practice. But in retrospect the business was only an experiment in “I can”, I never truly wanted this profession, I was only proving to myself that I could do it – I did!
Somewhere, however, in the back of my mind was always a thread of “I am going to fail, so fail quickly” type of self-loathing. It reached its zenith in 2009, even as I looked to expand my practice, as law was now my bread and butter and I, at this point in life had many obligations. Being Pentecostal, I was always honest and forth right, so I had loyal clients, and it garnered tremendous respect in my community and business spheres alike, but it also caused me to double down in defense of my reputation and business when my imaginal acts came home to roost.
It’s as though I always knew I would fail. I kept saying it, I kept thinking it…it was so profuse and profound the extent of this feeling, this inner-talking that I got books about positive thinking and other self-help books to counter the hypnotic, trance of self-loathing, self-defeatism. Honestly speaking, it even felt good at times.
I finally picked up complaints from the professions governing body and though they were contestable, meaning I could have easily win them (in retrospect), they became mountains so impregnable that I was dwarf to the status of an imbecile. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t write, my very nature as a human being was compromised to such an extent that I plunged into a depression and remained there for approximately one year – I blamed everyone and everything around me for the results I was experiencing, not realizing what I was actually doing. I kept saying that the Society was going to take my license. Can’t everyone see how unfair this was to me, I was losing my license – my beloved reputation was now spurned, and everything that was “me”, my beloved me, was in jeopardy.
My very imaginal acts and factual agreement had personified into persons that now moved to satisfy my creation – “my creation: can you believe this.” In one swoop, everything was gone. License, Business, luxuries, reputation – everything.
Though I have read many books on self-help, and have spent hundreds, dare I say thousands of dollars on books which promote themselves in a similar vein as Neville Goddard, none were so clear as to distinctly say, you are the creator, here is how you created it, here is how to revise it, and here is how to introduce a whole new future.
Like Debra, Pentecostals’ daughter, I have been unemployed for 4 or maybe now 5 years. I have within that time, started businesses, which were stolen. Attempted to buy businesses which have come to naught (failed purchases). And am in debt beyond my eye balls.
Then one night I was listening to inspirations on youtube, and came across Neville Goddard, and I realize what happened in my last push to purchase a business. I had the deal completed. It was now just a matter of formality and I would have been restored to my glorious me – earning $400k yearly in salary to myself. So what happened. The minute I waived all conditions and signed off, fear set in. Not the fear of failure, as in I am not going to succeed at this business, but that I would not get the business to begin with. Night after night, day after day, the feeling intensified. I thought I was just nervous due to the anticipation of starting a new life – so what was the end result. Again, my fear materialized into a person, who spoke words that I spoke to myself and others about the things I was seeing (believe I was seeing/experiencing). This person used my very words as the excuse as to why they would not move forward — wowwwwwww!!!!! That was a “I knew it” moment, a kind of vindication that I wasn’t imaging stuff – laugh out loud. Can you imagine this. This is some type of upside down spectacle.
Only since ravenously consuming the Goddard message in the past two weeks have I awaken as to what has been happening to me. I AM A POWERFUL CREATOR, but ignorantly creating poisonous environments for myself. Now that I am aware, I am now actively, through this enlightening creating revising, and re-creating my experiences. I am thankful.
So far, I have materialized passive things – conversations, etc. Last night as I stood in line with my Vanilla Gift Card to cash out at the grocery store, I helped a lady who was attempting to price match, she was turned down by several employees, and just as I was going to speak up for her, I remembered to imagine her happily walking out the doors with her items in tow, I did. Less than a minute later, another manager came and informed the cashier that the price match would be honoured. I was elated not just for her but for myself as well.
I am creating imaginal scenarios all the time now, and I hold resolute that as I get better at manifesting, the rich experiences I crave in this world, it shall be brought about, firstly discharging my present obligations and granting me a “Lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefits”.
A shout out to the Pentecostals’ Daughter (I would not have written this if it was not for your post), to Neville Goddard, to the host of this site, Carl, and to all those who shall following.
Newlife’s Child.
Hi Casey,
Magnificent story! Thank you so much.
I had a big smile on my face as I read it as I have walked a similar path to you creating all kinds of problems for myself that I then had to fix.
I must say that from reading your story you have absolutely seen with conscious eyes how you created your reality, taking full responsibility for it and those same conscious eyes are certain to restore a new and wonderful future (Now) for you.
Bravo playing with your wonderful imagination to help others! Such Fun!
Thank you again for taking the time to share your story here so that others may benefit.
Blessings, Peace, Love and wishing you an abundance of wonderful manifestations!
Carl :-)