A friend of mine skype’d me today and told me he was having problems
with someone hassling him.
I told him to unsubscribe :-)
(That’s why I get big bucks for coaching. Simple effective solutions )
Then he said …No you fool. this is real…
…someone is hassling me , they keep calling and wont stop. I’m thinking
to call the police…
MMM I thought….
…he thinks it’s Real :-) I can definitely help him fix that!
So we had a quick call and I helped him sort out his delusion and then he was
back to his happy joyful self.
All done in less than 10 minutes.
The actual process took about 3 minutes and afterwards I thought to record
a little audio and share the details with you. You get the process, why it works
and how to do it for just about anything. (All in under 10 mins – Bingo!)
Its’ called Holy Pony Pony
(Actually it’s called Ho Op Pono Pono – maybe that’s how you spell it – but I rather
like the sound of Holy Pony Pony)
Anyway here is the link to today’s amazingly simple, highly effective and easy to use tip
to help you enjoy your life more.
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://carl-tips-audios.s3.amazonaws.com/Holy-Pony-Pony.mp3″]
Click Here to Download
You can listen, download, share it
BUT most of all
USE THE TECHNIQUE (don’t archive it for use in another life time)
Wishing you all the SUCCESS…
you can…
… IMAGINE! (Just do it! Thats an Order!)
Carl :-)
Few years ago I met Dr Len and did the ho’oponopono course. I have overtime forgotten to use this principle. It takes a difficult situation to put one back on the path. Thanks Carl, I will use this immediately.
Awesome Sue!
I was interested in listening to your recording on Ho’oponopono, aka Holy Pony Pony. I took a class from the “official” teachers years ago, and I’m always interested in how other apply the method. However, I was denied access. what do I need to do to wander around your site?
Thank you.
Hi Deborah,
That’s a part of the Abundance Life Vision course.
also for clearing and revision (as well as imagining) have a look at the Simple Imagine Manifest System course.
If you would just like the “holy pony pony” and also the “Clearing the Stage” email me and I will organise that for you
Blessings and light!
carl :-)